Nibs came into care in May of 2016. A couple of months later, in June, she welcomed 9 puppies into the world! We were able to get in touch with a few of them, and here’s what their families had to say!
From Nibs’ dad, Brennan:
Roxy has been on many adventures out on many hiking trails, campgrounds and even canoe trips. She has become my shadow and I try to bring her everywhere I go (sometimes she even comes to work with me). We still have a battle nearly nightly with her sleeping on the bed, and sometimes she wins. Overall I don’t think we could be happier with each other. She was definitely what was missing from my life and I’m so glad she is with me now.

Here’s what Sprinkles’ (now Nala) family had to say about her:
She is about to become a big sister now to our first baby in February! We can’t wait to see how she continues to grow into her new role of big sister and love her so much and can’t imagine life without our sweet, energetic girl.

Here’s what Tootsie’s (now Kadie) family had to say about her:
She has learned a LOT of tricks, which she picks up on incredibly fast. Some tricks are your basics like sit and stay, but she also knows lay down, roll over, on your side, play dead, head down, spin (in a circle – both ways depending which way we tell her), go around (go around us – both ways again depending which way we tell her), and go through (she can weave through our legs). She’s also learning some basic agility on our redneck agility course, she can jump large wire reels, go under the reels and jump up on them tipped over about 4 feet high. She also loves running through a 2 foot wide x 4 foot long tube, in and out like crazy! She listens so well and trusts us completely. Kadie is also a big runner! She loves going for pedal bike rides and also four wheeler rides! Sometimes she even gets to ride with us on the quad as well! Afterwards she’s always game for a big swim and some more cuddles. We have lucked out tremendously with such an all-around great dog! She’s perfect!

Here’s what Smartie’s (now Timber) family had to say about her:
Timber is a bundle of energy and never seems to get tired. She loves going to the dogpark and jumps through the long grasses to scare up some birds to chase, which is one of her favourite pastimes. She also loves it at the lake and enjoys leaping into the water after a stick. We usually get tired of throwing it before she gets tired of fetching it. Sometimes she will jump in on her own and start swimming after a loon or water bugs. She loves bones and often will stand over her sister and bark for the bone she is chewing until she gives it up. Her sister, Nova (formerly Gyp), is an Underdog rescue as well! When she wants attention, she’ll put her head on your lap and look up at you with her cute little eyes until you pet her. She loves all people but is a little nervous around other dogs at first. However she soon warms up and wants to play.

Here’s what Jelly Bean’s family had to say about her:
She is awesome! Smart, affectionate and very sweet. She still loves her belly rubs, almost more than treats. Jelly gets along great with other dogs especially her new sister. She’s also great with all kids and loves mine to pieces. Fortunately for me she is s real momma’s girl and I always win in the affectionate department. She’s great at the dog park and is much better on the leash now that we have a harness. We are still working on jumping though. She just really wants to meet other people and dogs at any cost.
All in all we love her to pieces and I’m pretty sure she feels the same.